Problem description
Determine if a 9x9 Sudoku board is valid. Only the filled cells need to be validated according to the following rules:
- Each row must contain the digits 1-9 without repetition.
- Each column must contain the digits 1-9 without repetition.
- Each of the 9 3x3 sub-boxes of the grid must contain the digits 1-9 without repetition.
The Sudoku board could be partially filled, where empty cells are filled with the character ‘.’.
1 | Example 1: |
1 | Example 2: |
( i / 3 ) x 3 得到九宫格的起始行数即九宫格左上角块所处行。( i / 3 ) * 3 + j / 3得到九宫格中任一对应行(PS: 0 <= j <= 8)。
( i % 3) x 3 得到九宫格起始列数即九宫格左上角所处列。i % 3 * 3 + j % 3得到九宫格中任一对应列(PS: 0 <= j <= 8)。
1 | public boolean isValidSudoku(char[][] board) { |